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Hacking: The Art of Exploitation is the perfect primer on software exploitation. It teaches you everything you need as it goes, including the basics of C and Assembly programming, using the GNU Debugger, and the coding flaws hackers use to exploit software. If you're just getting started, this book is essential. |
Assembly Language Step By Step is a great resource for learning Assembly. The author explains the fundamentals of computer internals and how to iteract with them through assembly. This book gives you an in depth look at how memory works, which is crucial when working with your own exploits. When you're done, you'll have the skills to both read and write your own shellcode. |
Operating Systems in Three Easy Pieces goes more in depth on the operation of computer internals. This text makes the material very approachable, with plenty of examples to work through. I found the explanation of computer memory the most beneficial. |
The K & R manual, written by the guys who designed the language. When dealing with exploitation, you're going to run into C. A lot. It's what most software for Unix and Linux are written in. This is a great supplement to the programming introduction that the Art of Exploitation gives. You don't have to read it cover to cover, but it's a great reference to have on hand. |
Rootkit Arsenal Because there is no better way to learn how to detect the worst of malware than by learning how it works firsthand. The four books above made the material in this book accessible for me, wouldn't recommend starting with this one. |
Practical Malware Analysis gives you the foundational skills you need to analyze malicious software. With practical examples after every chapter, this does a great job walking you through both static and dynamic analysis. |
Everything you need to get started analyzing web applications. The Web Application Hacker's Handbook is a must if you're going to do any work on bug bounty programs. The lab website referenced in the book is no longer maintained, but you can set up the Damn Vulnerable Web App to follow along. |
Picked this up from John Strand after his SANS Active Defense, Offensive Countermeasures class. Offensive Countermeasures is all about giving yourself as a defender as many ways as possible to catch adversaries who target your network. It teaches you how to setup tripwires in your environment that warn you when someone has gained access to something they shouldn't. |
CODE is a fun book I got for Christmas that explains step by step how today's computers came to be. It begins with how circuits work, followed by how you can combine them to express logic, and how this allows for the implementation of digital computers. It's not at all security related, but if you're interested in a fun read on how the systems we use today came to be, this is the book you want. |